Memes (April 24, 2021)

2 min readMay 25, 2021

Anon, this thread, if you have the patience to read it, is about @OlympusDAO. I’ve spent only a couple of days in this community and — as a degen of average intelligence on a good day — you’d be wise to DYOR. Respect to @ohmzeus, @Fiskantes and all the ohmies.

1/ To this degen, the magic (don’t roll your eyes at me anon, seriously it’s fucking magical) of crypto is in this flavor of human coordination we had never quite tasted before.

2/ Maybe think about it this way anon: if a story (let’s call it a meme) is good, it flaps its little wings in its little corner of the internet and may just tickle the consciousness of us humans enough to catch some of our attention (energy).

3/ The little meme absorbs our energy and continues its journey. But even if it were to catch enough energy to make a wave in the ocean, the wave is usually just a bunch of random chop because the energy itself is random and unfocused.

4/ But sometimes there are big waves, and where our energy is coordinated enough to make one of them, fren, you can be sure there is a strong meme in there. Look for the memes behind the tsunamis in human history.

5/ How do you make a wave with a meme? I humbly submit that the meme must both (1) tell a powerful story about the nature of things and (2) tell us what to do about it.

6/ Not long ago, even if a meme succeeded in doing both those things, coordinating the 2nd part — the action — was centralized stuff; the stuff of armies. But in crypto the call to action of our little meme can be small, personal. (3, 3).

7/ Anon, in this regime you don’t need ppl top submit to hierarchies to make waves. You can even incentivise actions that otherwise wouldn’t make much sense, like adding energy to a network when it’s too small/shallow/sparse to survive on its own. (3, 3).

8/ Here’s an unoriginal thought: global, trust-minimized money is the largest use case in crypto. People smarter than me will tell you their theses about what exactly this will look like.

9/ But I’ll tell you one thing: someday, a little meme is going to flap its wings in its little corner and create a big fucking tsunami.

10/ I don’t know if it’s $OHM. I’ve been digging and this is what I’ve found. (3, 3) is a rabbit hole.

11/11 You feel the energy, don’t you anon?




just decomposing stuff @mysselium